4th July 2024
Here at Beacon yoga centre, we have the opportunity to live an authentic yogic lifestyle. Every morning the day begins with one hour meditation practice. Daily karma yoga keeps our spirit high. Spiritual programs like Satsang, Parliament, Sunday Jnana group and Kirtan are a great inspiration during the stay in the Ashram. Some people call the place Beacon on the hill.
Every three months all the residents get together for a resident’s day.
Our last resident’s day was a trip to Sacred India Gallery in Whiteman Park. The miniature artwork was exquisite and a delight for the eyes. Shree our guide took us on a journey around different places of pilgrimage around India - all within an hour. We listened to so many stories about Krishna and Radha, so many questions have been answered and at the end we had a lunch together prepared by Sacred India Gallery karma yogis. We met in person the Gallery artist director Jagattarini and their Gallah pet called Summer.
Thank you to Beacon Yoga centre, and Sacred India gallery (https://www.sacredindia.com.au/) for the amazing time.