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Outdoors Yoga Class

Yoga Teachers

Throughout the year, the Beacon Yoga Centre
welcomes a wide variety of skilled yoga practitioners to share their knowledge with our community.

Monday 9:30am

Monday 9:30am

Marianne Miller HATHA FLOW Mon 9:30am: Be guided through simple techniques to settle the mind and body. Move in a mindful flow with a mixture of passive and strength-based asanas to explore your very own power, balance and flexibility. Finishing with a deep guided relaxation.

Monday 4.30pm

Monday 4.30pm

Liz Pippet GENTLE HATHA Making yoga accessible. This is a gentle inquiry based practice with the focus on the breath and moving mindfully throughout the poses. It is suitable for all levels including beginners, seniors and those with restricted movement and injuries, with modifications and adaptations when necessary. Through the breath we connect with the mind and the body to reduce stress and create a sense of ease in moving the body.

Monday 6.30pm

Monday 6.30pm

Jasmine Pummer YOGA FOUNDATIONS This class invites students to approach the practice of yoga with openness and curiosity. Explore asana with a focus on alignment and learn how to use props to support your body and your practice. A lifelong yoga practitioner, Jasmine has been formally teaching hatha & restorative yoga since 2014, after completing her Level 1 foundational training with Fremantle Yoga Centre. Jasmine has a strong interest in the cross section of mental health, trauma and yoga.

Tuesday 6am

Tuesday 6am

James McIntyre ACTIVE HATHA A fresh invigorating start to the day with a connection to the rising sun through some "salute to the sun". We'll follow with a well rounded holistic active asana practice, some good rest, some long breaths and a period of sitting in stillness. James is a registered Senior Level yoga teacher with Yoga Australia. Outside of yoga he is a Consulting Homoeopath

Tuesday 9.30am

Tuesday 9.30am

Kellie Brett IYENGAR YOGA An inner Journey, through asana and pranayama. Systemic, personal, aligned, balanced. "When through rituals and formalities you create the spiritual space and atmosphere that you are seeking, then the process will have a powerful effect on your experience." The Dalai Lama's book. Kellie has been practising Iyengar Yoga for more than 20 years, training under experienced senior teachers & travelling to Pune since 2014, to study at the Iyengar Institute.

Tuesday 4.30pm

Tuesday 4.30pm

Donna Kirkland STRONG HATHA Stretch & Strengthen You will be guided through basic yoga postures safely for strengthening, stretching and focus. Options for all levels Donna has been practicing yoga for 3 decades & teaching for 21 years.

Tuesday 6.30pm

Tuesday 6.30pm

Tony Holmes HATHA General Wellness Classes begin with a warmup focusing on relieving accumulated daily tensions in the upper back and shoulders. Subsequent posture work is based on a mix of postures and sequences with a view to increasing functional flexibility and general wellbeing. Classes close with a traditional guided relaxation. It is worthwhile to attend classes 10 minutes early (optional) for preliminary relaxation and centering.

Wednesday 9:30am

Wednesday 9:30am

Jill Phillips OVER 55'S GENTLE HATHA Jill teaches to keep her students mobile, flexible, calm and obtain inner and outer strength. We breathe, we move, we rest and friendship through time spent together. Yoga for All. Balance is important as we age, physical, Mental and Emotional. A spiritual and philosophical aspect of yoga is spoken.

Wednesday 4.30pm

Wednesday 4.30pm

Donna Kirkland YIN/YANG A flow of strengthening yoga postures, complemented by an inward reflection of softening and passive holding of Yin Yoga postures. Donna has been practicing yoga for 3 decades & teaching for 21 years.

Wednesday 6.30pm

Wednesday 6.30pm

Chinmaya SIVANANDA YOGA You will be introduced to the 12 basic asanas (postures) of Sivananda Yoga and their modifications for beginners. As a part of the class you will also learn how to Breathe and Relax. Chinmaya has been practicing & teaching yoga in the Sivananda Lineage for over 30 years. “An ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory!” Swami Sivananda

Thursday 6am

Thursday 6am

Kellie Brett IYENGAR YOGA Join us – YOGA is for EVERYONE! It’s never too late (or too early) to start. Iyengar yoga is inclusive, methodical, sequential and supported. BKS Iyengar said: “I wanted to find out who I was. I wanted to understand this mysterious and marvellous “yoga”, which could reveal to us our innermost secrets. As equally as it revealed those of the universe around us and our place in it as joyful, suffering, puzzled human beings.” Come along and find out!

Thursday 9:30am

Thursday 9:30am

Bobi Ward HATHA GENTLE Focus on breath and connectivity Bobi’s classes are gentle, mindful and focus on conscious breathing. She will guide you through gentle warm ups, creative sequences, pranayama, calm abiding meditation and yoga nidra. Through her own personal injuries, she has a deep understanding of the need to heal and rest the body and mind.

Thursday 4.30pm

Thursday 4.30pm

Kath Venables GENTLE HATHA Kath promotes yoga as a beneficial practice to support well being in our bodies, as well as a balm for our often stressful lives and busy minds. As a Registered Nurse, Kath is well aware of the health benefits of yoga practice through breath, asana and relaxation. This Hatha based class is suitable for every 'body' and finishes with a guided relaxation or yoga nidra to help students develop their own relaxation techniques.

Thursday 6.30pm

Thursday 6.30pm

Jasmine Pummer YOGA FOUNDATIONS This class invites students to approach the practice of yoga with openness and curiosity. Explore asana with a focus on alignment and learn how to use props to support your body and your practice. A lifelong yoga practitioner, Jasmine has been formally teaching hatha & restorative yoga since 2014, after completing her Level 1 foundational training with Fremantle Yoga Centre. Jasmine has a strong interest in the cross section of mental health, trauma and yoga.

Friday 7:00am

Friday 7:00am

Irena Brnic HATHA YOGA Irena balances strengthening yoga postures, dynamic stretches, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, all aimed at enhancing vitality and unlocking your innate potential for rejuvenation of body and mind. Seamlessly weaving Ayurvedic wisdom into her holistic approach to yoga to assist you, on your journey towards well-being. Irena is a certified Yoga Teacher, qualified Life Coach, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant and Therapist.

Friday 9:30am

Friday 9:30am

Aileen Emery DRU YOGA Sometimes called Yoga of the Heart, a Dru Yoga class is an uplifting experience. Easy flowing activation movements awaken lungs, warm the muscles & free joints before slowing down into an Energy Block Release sequence of soft, flowing movements releasing tension in the body on all levels. Students can work at their own pace. Class finishes with a deep guided relaxation.

Friday 2:00pm

Friday 2:00pm

Gail Marlow COMMUNITY CLASS/DRU YOGA A warm and welcoming environment for those recovering from injuries, wanting to start a fitness routine, or low-income earner Gail likes her students to experience both styles and asks them to investigate their bodies on different layers. Yoga is all about you learning about your body’s needs, learning how it responds and creating balance in the mind, body & spirit.

Friday 4.30pm

Friday 4.30pm

Pradnya STRETCH & RELAX A mindful flowing class working with postures ( asana), breathing techniques (pranayama) techniques to purify the mind and body, meditation and relaxation. This practice is designed to restore harmony between the body, mind and heart and enhance health and well being.

Saturday 7am

Saturday 7am

Atmaroopa (Noel McGeough) HATHA FLOW WEEKEND TRANSITION In this early morning session we move together from the worldly activities of the week towards the more personal aspect of our being, from the physical to the subtle, via creative postures, breathing techniques, relaxation & meditation.

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